Chicago State University gives assurance that all of its activities related to human subjects research, regardless of funding, will be guided by the ethical principles of The Belmont Report; and that human subjects research conducted by Chicago State University will comply with the Federal Policies for the Protection of Human Subjects (Common Rule) for institutions within the United States.
The officials signing below assure that any research or research-related activity conducted, supported, or otherwise subject to DHHS regulations (or any other federal Agencies and/or departments or entities authorized to rely on this assurance) will be reviewed and approved by the IRB in accordance with the requirements of all applicable subparts of 45 CFR 46 as well as any additional policies and procedures stipulated by the IRB.
Name: Zaldwaynaka Scott, Esq
Title: President
Institution: Chicago State University
Address: 9501 South King Drive Chicago, IL. 60628
Phone: (773) 995-2400
Name: Dr. Melany Puglisi-Weening
Title: IRB Chair
Institution: Chicago State University
Address: 9501 South King Drive Chicago, IL. 60628
Phone: (773) 995-2405